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Old & New Books

Author Details Price
Book #2275
Incomplete Method für die Holzblasinstrumente. Schmutzig series no II Cor publishing Co, A E Goldstein 1951. 20pp, b/w illustrations. Very good copy £14.00 (Paper)
Vermillion (SD) USA
Book #1700
Beethoven & Berlioz Paris & Vienna
Musical Treasures from the Age of Revolution & Romance 1789 - 1848
Catalogue National Music Museum, September 12 - November 2, 2003.
Andr� P. Larson, Ph. D. / John Koster, A. B.
87pp., beautifully illustrated with colour plates.
£20.00 (Paper)
Book #1150
Catalogue of the Brass Musical Instruments in the Collections of Bradford Art Galleries and Museums 1991. 34pp, spiral bound. Amongst the instruments described in this catalogue are the following:- keyed bugles; slide trumpets; ophicleides; French horns; bass horns etc.. £10.00 (Paper)
Book #1208
Musikinstrumente aus Ostbayern (Niederbayern / Oberpfalz) vom 17-19 Jh. Exhibition Catalogue Stadtmuseum 13 November 1992 - 31. January 1993. 176pp, colour & b/w plates. German text £18.00 (Paper)
Book #1398
Royal College of Music Museum of Instruments Catalogue, Part 1, European Wind Instruments 1982. Catalogue by E.A.K. Ridley. 68pp, 84 (of 196 listed) instruments illustrated in b/w £7.00 (Paper)
Book #1402
Musical Instruments in the 1851 Exhibition 1986. Edited by P. & A. Mactaggart. 109pp, line drawings. £18.00 (Paper)
Book #1408
Patents for Inventions: Abridgements of Specifications relating to Music & Musical Instruments, A.D. 1694-1866 1984 Facsimile of 1871 Edition. 520pp. with abridgements of all 740 English patents issued before 1867. £27.00

More Pages
PTUJ Slovenia
Book #1504
Glasbila na Ptujskem Gradu; Instrumentarij Salonov ter Mescanskih in Plemiskih Kapel 1994. Catalogue by D. Koter. 113pp, 6 colour plates and numerous b/w illustrations, Slovenian text £10.00 (Paper)
ROSE Algernon S
Book #1520
Talks with Bandsmen; a popular Handbook for Brass Instrumentalists 1995. 450pp. 16 b/w photos. Facsimile of 1895 edition with a new introduction by Arnold Myers. “Talks” was the first book to devote itself to brass band instruments and instrument making. Rose presents his unique view of bands and instruments in the engaging and racy style of his day, scattering the text with fascinating facts and amusing anecdotes. £20.00 (Paper)

More Pages
Book #1584
The New Langwill Index: A dictionary of Musical Wind-Instrument Makers & Inventors. Second impression (of first edition) 2020. xxxvii + 518pp. Entries for nearly 6500 makers & inventors active until c.1950. Awarded the C.B.Oldham Prize by IAML (UK) as the best British work of Music Librarianship, Reference or Bibliography for 1993. £90.00

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